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*Plant production protocols from seeds of threatened Atropa baetica and widespread A. belladonna, both rich in alkaloids. Copete, E., Copete, M. A., Martínez-Duro, E., Santiago, A., Ferrandis, P. & Herranz, J.M. (2023). life.

*Caracterización de los umbrales de tolerancia de sal edáfica en la vegetación halofítica del saladar de Cordovilla. Santiago, A. & Ferrandis, P. (2023). Sabuco.

* Seed dormancy break and germination by a rare relict of the Würmian glaciation in the Iberian Peninsula: Euonymus latifolius (Celastraceae). Santiago, A., Herranz, J.M. y Ferrandis, P. (2023). Seed Science Research - Cambridge.

*Trabutina manipara, una nueva amenaza para los tarayales del centro de la península ibérica. Propuestas de control biológico. Santiago, A.; García-Sauco, G., Ferrandis, P. (2023). Foresta

*Functional diversity of experimental annual plant assemblages drives plant responses to biological soil crusts and assembly in gypsum systems. Ortiz L., A. Luzuriaga & P. Ferrandis (2022). Functional Ecology.

*Can botanic gardens serve as refuges for taxonomic and functional diversity of Odonata? The case of the botanic garden of Castilla-La Mancha. Pinilla-Rosa, M., García-Saúco, Santiago, A., G., Ferrandis, P. & Méndez, Marcos (2022). Limnology.

*Warming reverses directionality in the richness-abundance relationship in ephemeral Mediterranean plant communities. Madrigal J., A. L. Luzuriaga, A. Escudero, P. Ferrandis & J. Calatayud. 2022. (2022) Ecology. doi: 10.1002/ecy.3870.

* Diverse phylogenetic neighborhoods enhance community resistance to drought in experimental assemblages. Chaves, R., Ferrandis, P., Escudero, A., Luzuriaga, A. (2021). Scientific Reports.

* Nurse plants promote taxonomic and functional diversity. Madrigal, J., Cano-Barbacil, C., Kigel, J., Ferrandis P,, Luzuriaga, A. (2020) en Journal of Vegetation Science.

* Embryo growth and seed germination of four taxa of Narcissus (section Pseudonarcissi) conserved under non-recalcitrant seed conditions in germplasm banks. Herranz, J.M. et al. (2020). Plant Species Biology.

* La importancia de los bancos de semillas del suelo en los estudios ecológicos. Ferrandis, P. (2019) Revista Cubana de Ciencias Forestales.
* Possitive associations among species and their persistence in ecological assemblages. Calatayud et al. (2019). Nature Ecology and Evolution.

* El jardín Botánico de Castilla-La Mancha( Albacete, España), refugio de un grupo bioindicador; los sírfidos. Lorenzo, D., Santiago, A., Ricarte, A. (2019). Cuadernos de biodiversidad.

* Seed germination requierements of relictic and broadly distributed populations of Chaerophyllum aureum (Apiaceae) connecting ecophysiology and genetic identity. Santiago et al. (2019) Turkish Journal of Botany.

* Influencia de las condiciones de temperatura e iluminación en la rotura de latencia y germinación de los endemismos mediterráneos Scilla paui y Scilla ramburei (Liliaceae). Santiago, A., Herranz, J.M., Copete, M.A. & Ferrandis, P. (2017). Bosque.

Non deep simple morphophysiological dormancy in seeds of Viburnum lantana (Caprifoliaceae), a new dormancy level in the genus Viburnum. Santiago, A, Ferrandis, P., Herranz, J.M.(2014). Seed Science Research.

* Species-specific environmental requirements to break seed dormancy: implications for selection of regeneration niches in three Lonicera (Caprifoliaceae) species. Santiago, A., Herranz, J.M., Copete, E. & Ferrandis, P. (2013) NRC Research Press

* Environmental regulation of embryo growth and seed germination in Delphinium fissum subsp. sordidum. Ferrandis, P., Herranz, J.M., Copete, E. & Santiago, A.(2011). Planta Europa Conference "Actions for wild plants"

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